Please check out our new guide: Academic Continuity and Library Resources. This guide is intended to inform faculty, students, and staff of the resources available remotely.
Online Help and Reference Services available 24/7
- Email: - Canisius Library staff will get back to you as soon as they are available.
- AskUs247 Chat service: - Service is staffed by Librarians all over the world and can help you find the resources you need.
- Book-A-Librarian: - Make an appointment with a Canisius Librarian for a remote consultation (phone, email, chat, etc.)
Online Resources
- Summon: - Search all of the Library's resources, including ebooks, articles, streaming videos, etc.
- Streaming Videos: - Information about accessing streaming videos through Swank, Kanopy, and Academic Video Online (AVON).
- Databases: - Access individual databases for subject-specific or format-specific resources.
- Research Guides: - Subject-specific guides to help with your research including many online resources.
- Interlibrary Loan: - If you can't find the resources you are looking for, you can request via Interlibrary Loan and we will do our best to find the item you need in a format that works for you. Interlibrary loan is available to current students, faculty, and staff only. New requests for physical books will be stored in our system, but at this time most likely they will not be filled. Requests for electronic journal articles will be processed, but there may be long delays. This is rapidly changing as the nation’s libraries adjust, we will post updates here as we know more.
Renewing and Returning Books
- All due dates for checked out items will be extended through the end of the semester and the the dropbox is always available to drop off items.
- Renew Books Online: - If you have problems renewing any items, let us know:
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Contact Us
- Email:
- Phone: 716-888-8411
- Text: 716-712-4357